Hundreds of fabrics from the cleaning of newspaper rotary presses, suspended: a metaphor of forgetfulness that envelops the present
Hall of the Aula Magna of the Università degli Studi Statale di Milano - Conceived by Gianluigi Colin, the installation questions the quality of the information system, collective memory and its dissolution.
It is made up of hundreds of meters of fabrics from the cleaning processes of the offset rotary presses of typography that print newspapers: full of color sediments and streaks they are real objets trouvés.
Suspended at eleven meters by means of steel cables, the drapes define three symbolic naves, descending almost to the ground in the central part and remaining higher in the lateral ones, so as to let the public flow.
They are secular shrouds, loaded with the memory of infinite repressed stories, words and images. A veritable secular temple of knowledge, the University of Studies appears to be the natural location for the work because, as Aldo Colonetti's words recall, "design like architecture cannot forget that art is the basis of every discipline planning.
Artists such as Klee, Kandinsky, Moholy-Nagy have not passed in vain in the halls of the Bauhaus. In other words, art as an 'expressive place of freedom', beyond the operational and functional needs that distinguish an object, a piece of architecture, a typeface or an advertising page".
TIME AFTER TIME was conceived by Gianluigi Colin with the production of Galleria De Ambrogi and the collaboration of the De Ambrogi studio. (Interni Magazine)